10 Ways to Generate Ideas & Increase Productivity

  • Take a nap. If you’re struggling to find a new solution to an old problem or trying to generate new ideas, put all the creativity exercises aside and take a nap. Increasing your creativity is easier when you’re alert and refreshed.

  • Make small talk with strangers. Even if you’re an introvert, you’ll find that small talk at parties, in the grocery store, or while you’re watching your kid play baseball helps to generate ideas.

  • Go to classes, workshops, or conferences. Generating ideas and increasing creativity can be sparked by learning new things in educational settings. When you listen to others’ ideas and presentations, you make connections that will increase your productivity at work.

  • Hang out with creative people. Spend time with people you don’t normally hang out with. If you normally push paperwork in a cubicle, hang out with an artist or preacher. If you’re married with three kids, spend time with a single adult or senior citizen. Bounce your ideas off creative people or folks you simply never spend time with. You’ll be surprised at how this increases your creativity and helps you generate ideas.

  • Allow yourself some creative loafing time. Watching movies, reading magazines, staring out the window and watching people at the mall are ways to generate more ideas. It may not look like you’re increasing your creativity or productivity, but your brain is percolating during your downtime. Thousands of brilliant ideas were hatched in the shower or garden. Increasing your creativity doesn’t necessarily involve formal creativity exercises.

  • Walk, bike, swim or jog. Let your mind wander as you exercise. Don’t censor your thoughts; rather, follow them as they waltz through your mind. Increasing your creativity involves being open to new ideas – all the way to the end.

  • Work in different places. To generate new ideas, take your briefcase, notebook or laptop on a field trip. Go to a park, coffee shop or friend’s backyard. You don’t have to do creativity exercises: simply look around, let your mind wander, and let your creativity increase naturally.

  • Let your brain reboot. Similar to creative loafing, letting your brain reboot involves getting away. Solitude, a change of pace or even a bubble bath or work out at a different gym will help you generate ideas and increase your creativity. Exercising creativity isn't always about actively searching for new ideas.

  • Brainstorm. Whether you brainstorm new ideas with others or by yourself with a pen and paper, let your mind flirt with all the possibilities. Don’t dismiss anything. When you’re increasing your creativity, you need to be open to anything. Even if it’s not a helpful idea now, it could be useful in the future – so don't throw away your notes, mind maps, lists, and doodles. Your productivity at work can also be increased by brainstorming new ideas.

  • Get out of town. Go for a drive out to the country or take the Greyhound to the next town. Explore a new neighborhood or city on foot – and make sure you keep your notebook handy. Getting away from your familiar surroundings will increase your creativity and help generate new ideas.