Myths That kill Creativity

If you haven’t heard from your “still small voice” recently, it may be because of the misconceptions you have about your imaginative ability. The following are three common myths about creativity.
Myth 1:

Only geniuses are creative. In other words, superior intellect means superior creativity. It’s true that people with high IQs can be highly original writers. But the opposite is also true. Geniuses may be boring. They may be respected members of their communities and contribute to their professions, but their inventive achievement fail to match their IQs.

Myth 2:

If you have creative ability, your talents will be discovered. Every person has creative potential, but some of us are better at using it. The truth is, unless you write, your unique writing ability goes unnoticed.

Myth 3:

You don’t have to work at being creative. Sometimes our best ideas seem to pop out of nowhere.
Rhonda Swillinger, in an article written for Psychology Today, says this: “It takes at least 10 years of immersion in a given domain before a creator is likely to make a distinctive mark. Einstein, for example, who is popularly thought to have doodled out the theory of relativity at age 26 in his spare time, was in fact engaged in thinking about it from the age of 16.”